lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @linkColorHover: lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @linkColorHover: Feedback and Disclosure: Building Relationships - Aza Learning

Feedback and Disclosure: Building Relationships

Feedback and Disclosure: Building Relationships

We have worked with thousands of managers and supervisors over the past decade, both in the classroom and in coaching situations. Without exception, one of their critical concerns is not just giving effective feedback, but creating an environment where their employees give them candid feedback. In the absence of data, we make it up.


In every study of people in the workplace, especially in team environments, feedback (sharing what I see of you) and disclosure (allowing others to know what’s important to me) are the most powerful relationship-building behaviors. Strong, clear relationships make for fewer misunderstandings, clearer expectations, and lowered likelihood of apathy and cynicism.



How important is it that your people really understand one another? That they provide clear, useful feedback so that workplace interactions are less likely to create recurring problems that seem to have a life of their own? How much productivity is lost due to lack of effective listening? This course clears up these issues.

CLICK HERE to get the assessment.  Be sure to complete the assessment and SEND IT TO Mac Bogert for review.

Mr. Bogert will reply with information about your results and a BRIEF piece of feedback/coaching.


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