lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @linkColorHover: lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @linkColorHover: Values: The Driver of Vision and Alignment - Aza Learning

Values: The Driver of Vision and Alignment

Values: The Driver of Vision and Alignment

How important are values in the workplace? They are critically important. Having surveyed several thousand managers and employees, I have found a strong correlation between lack of alignment and misunderstanding of values.


This session provides a safe environment in which to engage in a neutral and candid dialogue about values. The result is an improved understanding of each other, a huge improvement in respect, and the creation of an atmosphere of trust and candor, all of which contribute to a more productive work place.


This session provides the cure for offices in which people don’t feel connected. If your workplace seems fractured by factions and cliques, this piece will provide the answer.

CLICK HERE to get the assessment.  Be sure to complete the assessment and SEND IT TO Mac Bogert for review.

Mr. Bogert will reply with information about your results and a BRIEF piece of feedback/coaching.


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