lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @linkColorHover: lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @linkColorHover: The Perils and Power of Team Development - Aza Learning

The Perils and Power of Team Development

Please read the information below before going to your free assessment.

Teams provide a “canary in the coal mine” for organizational health. Teams reflect the trust, candor, and transparency of the organization around them. As a result, working on team development provides a big payoff for the organization as a whole.

To be effective, teams must strike a delicate balance between the individual’s needs and the needs of the group—a daunting and fascinating task. Teams must monitor their similarities to avoid Group Think. Conversely, they must manage their differences to avoid impasse. The collective differences of the team members give them a rich variety of perspectives that can produce phenomenal output when they learn to manage, even treasure their differences.

The Team Function Survey©which is customized to meet the culture of the individual customer—serves as a baseline for examining team dynamics to encourage useful differences, effective interaction (including virtual and face-to-face meetings), methods to bring new members up to speed, and tactics to produce alignment.


This is an eye-opening experience for any organization moving toward a team-based environment or struggling with team development. Members will practice and internalize behaviors that balance Product, Process, and People.
Participants will develop a plan to improve and measure verbal performance over a six-month period. The plan includes three virtual reporting and coaching sessions with Mac Bogert to benchmark success and to change habits that impede powerful communication.


CLICK HERE to get the assessment.  Be sure to complete the assessment and SEND IT TO Mac Bogert for review.

Mr. Bogert will reply with information about your results and a BRIEF piece of feedback/coaching.